*Note the Deadline is April 1st for most Metro-Atlanta Counties

Step 1: Check Your Eligibility
Before diving into the application process, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria:
- You should own the property as of January 1st of the tax year you’re applying for.
- The property must be your primary residence, the place you call home.
- You only have to file for this exemption one time. After that, the homestead exemption should stay on your property’s tax record for the balance of your ownership OR use of this property as your primary residence.
- Non-U.S. citizens can also qualify if they meet certain criteria.
Step 2: Gather Your Documents
Get all your paperwork ready (see Forsyth County below for a more detailed list):
- Proof of residency like your driver’s license or utility bills.
- Your property deed or closing settlement statement.
- Social Security numbers of all owners.
- If you’re 65 or older, bring proof of age.
Step 3: Apply with the Tax Assessor’s Office
Cherokee County:
To receive any Exemptions you must apply in person at the Tax Assessors Office located at 2782 Marietta Hwy, Suite 200 Canton GA 30114
Documents to bring: Valid Georgia Driver’s License with current property address along with a settlement statement from your closing or warranty deed.
Here is the link for the Cherokee County Homestead Exemption application.
Cobb County:
As a Cobb County resident, homestead exemptions are a great way to reduce the amount of property taxes you pay for your home. But what exactly are homestead exemptions? Homestead exemptions are deducted from the assessed value of the qualifying property (40% of the fair market value). Exemptions only apply to homestead property you own and occupy as your legal residence.
You can have a homestead exemption on only one property. If you are married, by law you can only have one homestead exemption between you and your spouse.
Here is the link for the Cobb County Homestead Exemption application.
Note: The online application is down for maintenance nightly between 11:50 pm and 5:45 am.
Dekalb County:
Applications are accepted in person year-round. If applying online, current year exemptions must be applied for between January 1 and April 1. Applications received after the April 1 deadline will be processed for the following year. To check your exemption application status, visit the property information page and enter your address on the search screen. If your basic exemption is approved, it will be indicated next to “Exemption Type.” If it is denied, you will receive a letter indicating why it was denied.
Here is the link to the Dekalb County Homestead Exemption application.
Note: Special exemptions are tax savings available for citizens ages 62 and older, disabled veterans and disabled residents based on income. Copies of the previous year’s federal and state income tax returns, any Social Security Form 1099s, proof of age and/or proof of 100 percent total and permanent disability are required to file. Applicants must have an existing homestead exemption on the primary residence to qualify for a special homestead exemption.
Forsyth County:
If you are new to Forsyth County you will need to create an account. Before continuing to the application and creating an account, please have the following documentation ready:
- Each applicant must provide the last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number. In addition, the following proofs of residency are required:
- Valid Georgia Driver’s License (that matches the property address), OR
- Valid Georgia Driver’s License (that does not match the property address) with one of the following:
- Vehicle Registration that matches the property address OR
- Voter Registration that matches the property address
- For each non-citizen applicant, a permanent resident card (green card) must be provided.
- In addition to the above, each applicant may also need to furnish the following:
- Applicant’s date of birth
- Last four (4) digits of spouse’s Social Security Number (if applicable)
- Phone number
- Email address
- Applicant’s previous address (if outside of Forsyth County, and you were receiving homestead exemption elsewhere, please provide a letter from the county stating that your homestead has been removed from that location.)
Here is the link to the Forsyth County Homestead Exemption application.
Fulton County:
Fulton County homeowners who are over age 65 and who live outside of the City of Atlanta may be eligible for a new $10,000 homestead exemption providing relief for the Fulton County Schools portion of property taxes. There is no income limit for this exemption. Apply by the April 3 deadline to receive this benefit for the 2023 tax cycle. You may apply through the Fulton County Tax Assessors Office online portal https://fultonassessor.org/online-service or in any office of the Fulton County Tax Assessors Office.
** Please don’t wait until the last minute **
Please always check with the specific county’s tax assessor’s office for the most accurate and up-to-date information on Homestead Exemption deadlines and requirements.
Step 4: Confirm your Approval
The Tax Assessor’s Office will review your application. Be patient; this process can take a few weeks.
Keep copies of all documents related to your Homestead Exemption, including the approval notice and renewal confirmation. These records will come in handy down the road.